About Us
Tri County Investigations has provided it’s services for over 40 years all across the state of Illinois to a great number of attorneys, government agencies and individuals alike. Our tenet is that everyone should be afforded equal rights under the constitution. Due process of law is a guarantee that every person will be properly notified of proceedings and have an opportunity to be heard in court.
Our licensed private detective and investigators use a multitude of resources to procure information in relation to cases. TCI has increased our mastery with the addition of state-of-the-art technology and an increased staff, servicing the entire state of Illinois and across the US. Each case receives attention and expertise backed by years of experience with service through out the United States..
TCI is fully licensed, bonded and insured process servers and has strict laws and regulations to abide by. “Many defendants in court hearings use the affirmative defense of “I was not served” as an often-successful line of defense in any lawsuit. This defense tends to be effective in many cases because service of process upon defendant did not follow legal procedure.” Wikipedia. TCI has implemented procedures in our office to insure the preservation of vital documents. We also keep thorough records, extensive field notes and detailed affidavits. We feel these efforts greatly decrease the success of these claims.
We have extensive experience serving process of evictions for management companies, homeowners/condominium associations, and their attorney;. we can receive, disperse and return documents via email, fax, ups, FedEx and/or usps, we can be contacted at any time in order to better serve your needs. you can be confident in knowing that we will apply every capability within our cutting-edge resources to each document we are given. Combining the aforementioned means, along with the skills and perseverance of our knowledgeable staff. TCI is able to fulfill all of your needs ensuring that every service is performed to your satisfaction.
TCI is a family-owned business that has endured over 4 decades in this industry. We attribute this to our standard of practice, codes of ethics and shear perseverance. We have a strong belief in the justice system and realize part of due process is delivering unwanted documents. People may lash out at “the messenger” and react poorly. We can only be polite and do the job we are there for. Our behavior is a direct reflection on our clients. You can be confident our conduct will always be appropriate and adept.
Tri County Investigations has provided it’s services for over 40 years all across the state of Illinois to a great number of attorneys, government agencies and individuals alike. Our tenet is that everyone should be afforded equal rights under the constitution. Due process of law is a guarantee that every person will be properly notified of proceedings and have an opportunity to be heard in court.
Our licensed private detective and investigators use a multitude of resources to procure information in relation to cases. TCI has increased our mastery with the addition of state of the art technology and an increased staff. Each case receives attention and expertise backed by years of experience with service through out the United States..
TCI is fully licensed, bonded and insured. Process servers have strict laws and regulations to abide by. “Many defendants in court hearings use the affirmative defense of “I was not served” as an often successful line of defense in any lawsuit. This defense tends to be effective in many cases because service of process upon defendant did not follow legal procedure.” Wikipedia. TCI has implemented procedures in our office to insure the preservation of vital documents. We also keep thorough records, extensive field notes and detailed affidavits. We feel these efforts greatly decrease the success of these claims.
TCI is a family owned business that has endured over 4 decades in this industry. We attribute this to our standard of practice, codes of ethics and shear perseverance. We have a strong belief in the justice system and realize part of due process is delivering unwanted documents. People may lash out at “the messenger” and react poorly. We can only be polite and do the job we are there for. Our behavior is a direct reflection on our clients. You can be confident our conduct will always be appropriate and adept.